
The Medusa Iseum is an official center of the world-wide multicultural Fellowship of Isis. The Fellowship of Isis up to now has nearly 30,000 members in roughly 100 countries of the Earth; roughly 1,200 priestesses and priests work at 1,000 centers of the Fellowship, where the Goddess or Goddess and God are worshipped in their many shapes.
The Medusa Iseum is dedicated to spiritual and magic education and is the same way as the Fellowship of Isis itself open to all men. This means, everybody who isn't already F.O.I. member can become one and study at the Iseum.
Non-members can contact Rev. Diane for courses outside the Iseum.

Other service of the Medusa Iseum of course is to offer the sacraments as baptisms, initiations, marriages (lesbian and gay also) and funerals to all men who believe their own way in the Goddess. According to the spirit of the Manifesto of the F.O.I. economical reasons should not prevent the Blessings of Her, so we charge no fee for these services. We just ask for compensation of expenses (fares etc.).

Information about a F.O.I. membership you can get at the F.O.I. Website.

Information about Medusa, the name-giver of the Iseum and about the courses at the Iseum can be reached via the always visible linklist at the left side of the website.

© 2002 Medusa Iseum